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A member registered Aug 08, 2016

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Not "guys". Just "guy". He is alone doing this work.

That's F.A.M.A.S. Not phamas. Please.

XM8? The weapon that he announced on his twitter is a DMR, not an assault rifle.

Wow, man! I just took a look at your youtube channel, and I have just 1 question : when your game GTTOD will be avaible??? It looks amazing!

It'll never be a multiplayer game. The game is designed to be played with bot for fun, and servers are too expensives.

You can't play with controller for now, as there is no input for the aim.

Wilhelm, you misunderstood the 4. He didn't said that rockets explosions shouldn't hit you, but that there is actually a bug that your rocket kills you at the instant you shoot it. I tried with 0 bot and getting mid-air, and killed myself while firing in the sky...

Why are you trying to run it with wine? There is a linux version of the game.

Don't work. And I just noticed something else : first time I played, I saw the squads. Now, there is nothing. Oh, and I'm on linux.

Hey SteelRaven7, that's a pretty good game you made here ! I can't donate, so I will help you with a little rapport of the problems I encounter :

- With a xbox 360 controller, LT and RT button aren't recognized, and I can't assign the right stick to the camera control. And you should make a toggle sprint and toggle crouch option for those who don't want to maintain the button.

- I can't change weapon. Can't find any option about this in the input of the launcher, maybe it is not ready?

- A 3rd person view could be useful with vehicles, especially when you drive a jeep.